Newport Mesa Church
Our strongest desire is to be a community who loves God and people. We see our church being a place where people can be INSPIRED by God’s presence, challenged to INVITE others into the journey and INVEST back into God’s kingdom. How will we work alongside God’s Spirit to achieve this vision?
Visit their website here.
Visit their website here.
Presbyterian Covenant Church
Service to our community is a key part of who we are at PCC. We strive to participate in the building of God’s kingdom locally and globally. Whether 5 or 75, we seek to have all our members joining together to demonstrate their love for our neighbors. Some of the ways in which we do this are helping feed approximately 40 families each month, supporting a missionary in Tanzania, organizing and participating in a variety of events to benefit our local neighbors, saluting the faculty and staff and students of our neighbor, Costa Mesa High School, participating in programs such as Operation Christmas Child.
Visit their website here.
Visit their website here.
Lighthouse Coastal Community Church
Lighthouse is where friends have become family. We have reached out and served the city of Costa Mesa and beyond with the message of freedom found in Jesus. We encourage you to come and join with us as we make a difference in the community, and watch God move in miraculous ways.
Visit their website here.
Visit their website here.
Costa Mesa Church of Christ
Being the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus. Love God. Love Others. Serve a Broken World. Volunteers have been serving hot meals every Tuesday evening from 5:30-6:30 PM since 1983. We also make a Bible study and a movie available to guests who are interested. Some students from OCC InterVarsity volunteer from time to time.
Visit their website here.
Visit their website here.
Rock Harbor Costa Mesa
We are a church of communities following Jesus as we worship, pray, and love others in Orange County and beyond. Our five central values are developing Kingdom people, being family, living generously, creativity, and having spirit-led communities.
Visit their website here.
Visit their website here.
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A Charter Member Movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students
A Charter Member Movement of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students